Why Ants Love Your Restaurant

Restaurants are great for people but even better for ants. These businesses are uniquely suited to fulfill ants’ core instinct: finding food. Ants eat everything, from the food off your plates to old food in the trash. Fortunately, there are a few ways to prevent an ant infestation in your restaurant. The best way is by knowing how they got there in the first place. Here are a few reasons why ants love restaurants:

Employees Not Cleaning Up

During certain times of the day, restaurants get so busy that it feels like everyone’s rushing around. When this happens, cleaning often goes to the backburner. Dirty surfaces attract ants, especially those covered in crumbs and spilled sugar. Ants aren’t picky about where they find food. Counters, floors, shelves and unsealed storage containers are equally appealing to these bugs. By cleaning the restaurant throughout the day and before the last employee leaves, you give ants fewer possible food sources.

Food Improperly Stored

Ants’ favorite food is anything that’s discarded or unattended by people. The longer food is left out, the more likely that ants will find it. This also goes for food left in unsealed containers, so you’ll want to make sure that food is sealed tightly before putting it away. Ants can also find food on dishes that aren’t rinsed off or that aren’t thoroughly washed before being put away. Making sure all food not in use is properly stored or thrown away will help reduce your risk of ants.

Dirty Trash Cans

Trash is often out of sight, out of mind. Among the cleaning tasks in a restaurant, taking out the trash can fall to the wayside. However, to keep your restaurant clean and free of waste-eating ants, trash needs to be taken out throughout the day and at the end of the night. Food left in trash cans is unappealing to humans but looks like a free buffet to ants and other pests. Trash bins should be periodically cleaned and disinfected because food, dirt and grime collect on the inside and outside of them. Maintaining your trash will give you one less location that allows ants to thrive.

Cracks in the Building

Over time, buildings age. This causes cracks and gaps in walls, foundations and windowsills. Ants can easily find their way in through these gaps. While inspecting for cracks inside and outside of the building, take a look at your window stripping and weather stripping as well. If you can, consider installing screens on windows and doors, as these can make entry more difficult for pests. Water from leaky pipes can also attract insects, so it’s worth inspecting your pipes when you’re checking for openings.

How to Remove Ants

Preventing ants is much easier than removing them. If you want to focus on prevention, put processes in place for thorough cleaning and proper food storage. Schedule monthly pest control services to get ahead of any potential issues. If you’re already dealing with an ant problem, it can quickly become overwhelming to manage. Giving your restaurant a deep cleaning is a great first step. Next, you’ll want to call trained pest control experts who know exactly how to fix the problem. 

The Des Moines pest removal experts at Pro-Staff remove pests so you don’t have to worry about ants bugging your employees or customers. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online.

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