5 Work from Home Habits that Attract Pests

If you’re one of the millions of people who began working from home during the pandemic, you might be acquainted with a certain kind of troublesome coworker. These coworkers never do any work. They don’t respect boundaries. They’re always eating. And they don’t like being told to go away. If these behaviors sound familiar to you, you might have a problem with pests! Steer clear of these 5 harmful habits to keep pests out of your home office:

Leaving lunch out

One great benefit of working from home is the easy access to fresh, nutritious meals, but be careful who you share them with. Leaving any kind of uncovered food out on desks, countertops, or window sills spells a recipe for pest invasion. Bugs and rodents alike love to eat your leftovers, so take care to save the food you plan to eat later in the fridge and thoroughly discard the rest. 

Neglecting unwashed dishes

Pests love to hang around unwashed dishes— even after you’ve cleared your plate. The longer dirty dishes stay in the sink, the more time bacteria from leftover food has to grow. This can be a major draw for flies, ants, and even mice. You might not always have time to wash your dishes right after you’re done eating, but the sooner you can clean them, the better chances you’ll have of keeping pests away.

Not covering the trash

A trash can without a lid is like a door without a lock; both are practically an invitation for unwanted visitors. When dirt, crumbs, and rotting food collect in small, compact spaces, it gives off a powerful scent for hungry pests to come searching for. That’s why it’s important to keep garbage in covered bins and to wash your recyclables before putting them out.

Having a messy office

Between Zoom meetings, unanswered emails, and project deadlines, those who work from home don’t often have time in their busy schedules to keep their workspace clean. Having a disorganized office can be a nightmare not only for your productivity, but also for your belongings. Small insects, such as spiders and cockroaches, like to hide out in piles of clutter— this allows them to eat away at personal items, destroy furniture, and even lay eggs! To prevent pests from using your home office as a breeding ground, try to keep it as clean and clutter-free as possible. 

Keeping piles of paper around

Many remote workers are shocked to learn that large stacks of paper are paradise for some pests. Paper is high in starch and fiber content, making it a delicious delicacy for bugs like booklice, termites, and silverfish. If you start to notice small holes or tears in your papers, it may be a sign of an infestation. Protect important documents from paper-eating insects by sealing them in plastic bags and placing them in air-tight containers. 

If pests are interfering with your work, the Des Moines pest control experts at Pro-Staff can help. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online for your free quote.

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