Mosquitoes and Your Pets

cat and dog

Pets are man’s best friend, so it only makes sense that you’d want to keep them safe like you would your human companions. Unfortunately, while most pet owners are aware of the damage a mosquito bite can create for humans, many don’t realize the dangers these insects pose to their four-legged friends. Here are some of the ways mosquitos can affect your pets and how to keep them safe:

Skin Irritation

If you’ve ever gotten a mosquito bite, you know how badly they itch. But unlike people, a dog or cat who gets bitten by mosquitoes might not know when to stop scratching. This can leave their skin vulnerable to irritation, pain, and even infection. While you can use diluted essential oils or pet-safe bug sprays to deter mosquitoes from biting your pets, no repellant is 100% effective, so it’s important that you use other preventative measures to keep your pets safe. 

Allergic Reactions

Just like us, some animals can have an allergic reaction to mosquitos. If you notice your pet has developed localized swelling, hives, skin rashes, or a fever, you should take them to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Depending on the severity of the reaction, the vet will administer treatments like corticosteroids and/or a topical cream, and may even send your pet home with medication to take for the remainder of mosquito season. 


The diseases mosquitoes can give to pets are different from the diseases they carry among humans, although any illness can be dangerous if left untreated. Mosquitoes can infect pets with viral, bacterial, and parasitic diseases such as:

  • Heartworm
  • Tularemia
  • West Nile Virus
  • Eastern Equine Encephalitis
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

While these diseases sound frightening, they are easily preventable. Make sure your pet’s heartworm treatment is up-to-date, stay indoors when possible, and consider consulting a professional for a mosquito treatment plan if you notice mosquitoes swarming near your home.

Don’t wait until your pets have encountered mosquitoes to act; reach out to the Des Moines mosquito control experts at Pro-Staff. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online for a free quote.

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