The Pests of Iowa Summer


Even though people tend to interact more with pests during the summer months, most pests are actually dormant at this time. There are a few exceptions. Some pests thrive in the heat and rain that summer provides. Every pest has its season, and these are the ones you’re more likely to see in summertime:


These little bugs can be found at all times of the year, but summer rain drives them indoors. They’re constantly looking for food sources for colonies of up to 5,000, which they can easily find outside and inside. Most ants leave people alone, but some ants bite or sting, causing allergic reactions. 

bed bug

Bed Bugs

Summer is the season of camping and all forms of travel, which gives bed bugs a chance to find new places to live. The more places you go that have cloth furniture, the more likely you’ll be exposed to bed bugs. Avoid an infestation by being careful where you place your baggage and personal belongings when traveling, then closely inspecting your baggage when you return. Be especially diligent with camping materials, as these can contain any number of bug species.

mosquito on hairy arm


This particular fly species thrives in hot temperatures. The warmth speeds up their breeding cycles, allowing them to lay more eggs. People spend more time outside during summer, which also helps mosquitoes that rely on their blood. To avoid becoming a mosquito target, wear bug spray and avoid spending time around standing water. Keep them away from the house by pruning your plants and replacing standing water in bird baths or plants. 


Stinging Insects

Like mosquitoes, these bugs are more active during the summer. They nest in houses, especially in windows and door frames. While mosquitoes are notorious for spreading disease, stinging insects are more likely to cause allergic reactions. Avoid inviting stinging insects into your home by replacing any screens that are in bad condition and removing garbage frequently. Don’t swat at these bugs, as that’s a great way to provoke them. If you find a hive or nest, have a pest control professional remove it rather than trying to do it yourself.



These wood-eating bugs swarm during the spring and build their homes during the summer. Infestations spread quickly during the summer, as termites prefer warmer weather. Avoid these bugs by not storing wood near the house, making sure your home’s foundation is free of breakage, and being mindful of any wood stored in your yard. Check for termites by looking for wings around walls and window panes.

The Des Moines pest control experts at Pro-Staff remove pests so you don’t have to worry about these summer pests infesting your home or business. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online.

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