Why Termites Thrive in the Summer


Spring swarming season for termites may seem like the one season to worry about them, but these pests cause problems year round. During the summer months, termites are settled into their new homes and more empowered to cause destruction. Here’s why termites do the most damage in the summer.

Swarming in Spring

You may see termites more during the spring when they’re swarming, but they’re actually more active in the summer. Spring is when termites build their colonies and find new places for their queens to lay eggs. They build homes around their queens, usually inside of dead wood, and each termite works day and night to complete their assigned tasks. Worker termites, for example, constantly feed on wood.

Warmer Weather for Workers

Every day for 24 hours without sleeping, worker termites toil away, eating wooden structures. If left to their own devices, they could continue doing this for a year or more straight. Summer provides warmer conditions, which allow these particular termites to become more active. The more active they are, the more quickly they can cause serious damage.

Staying Away from the Sun

While humans enjoy being out in the sun, eventually they need to find shade to cool down. Termites typically stay in the shade, so extreme heat doesn’t tend to reach them. They avoid light at all costs, often living in mud tubes under decks and porches, behind exterior stairwells and in other dark places. Most species do best in temperatures between 75 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. However, because they like dark places, the temperature where they are may be a bit cooler than the weather outside.

Keep Termites Away this Summer

Even though termites are more active in the summer, there are ways to avoid them. Start by not storing wood near the house, making sure your home’s foundation is free of breakage, and being mindful of any wood stored in your yard. Check for termites by looking for wings around walls and window panes. If you suspect you have termites in your home, schedule an inspection by a professional pest control company.

With termites being more active during the summer, it’s an important time to inspect your home for an infestation. If you find signs of termites, our Des Moines termite removal experts at Pro-Staff can help. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online.

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