Keeping Pests Out of the Classroom

Schools are back in session, and so are the higher risks of pests in classrooms. Kids bring in all sorts of food or craft supplies for bugs to munch on. Sometimes even beloved class pets or favorite plants bring in an infestation. However, by keeping the area clean and maintained, you can mitigate the risk. Here’s how we recommend keeping pests away from your classroom. 

Declutter Often

Pests can easily hide in piles of paper, and some pests see paper as a food source. Items naturally pile up in a classroom where each student has papers, folders, craft supplies and other materials handed to them on a daily basis. To fully declutter the classroom, choose one or two days out of the week for quick decluttering sessions until you’re organized enough to reduce it to once a week or so. Be mindful of areas that need to be sprayed by pest control technicians, keeping those areas easily accessible.

Be Smart with Storage

Use clear plastic boxes for storage to help you stay organized. Label each box with what’s in it in a spot that’s visible where you’re storing it. Clear boxes also allow you to see inside and determine if anything is amiss. Avoid cardboard boxes, which are a favorite material for cockroaches. Store boxes on shelves instead of on the floor to make them more difficult for scurrying pests to access. This also allows more of the floor to be cleaned by custodial staff, reducing buildup of particles that can attract pests.

Practice Cleaning Up Together

Encourage children to aid with clean up, especially after messy classroom activities. While they won’t get every nook and cranny, they can at least help you get a head start. This will also help younger children form good cleaning habits. Remind them to bring everything home with them, especially food, when they leave school for the weekend.

Keep Food Tightly Stored

Pests aren’t picky eaters, and they’ll snack on anything they can easily access. Lunch and snacks need to be put away, and messes should be cleaned up quickly to avoid attracting pests. Keep in mind that dried food items used in crafting projects, such as macaroni and dry beans, can also attract insects. These need to be kept in tightly sealed containers whenever they’re not in use.

Pro-Staff, a company that provides commercial Des Moines pest control services, is here to help you keep your school pest-free. Give us a call at 515-279-7379 or contact us online to learn more.

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