How to Pest Proof an Empty Home

empty room with white walls and doors

When a property stays vacant between tenants, uninvited guests find their way in. Some squatters are human, but most are pests looking to build homes for their families. Pests can come in through holes in the foundation or become active in the home after being dormant or hiding. Seeing a couple bugs here and there may be inevitable, depending on the home’s location, but there are ways to pest proof a home to prevent an infestation. Here are our tips.

Deep Clean the Inside

No matter how meticulous tenants are about the final rental cleaning (assuming they want their security deposit back), it’s important to deep clean the property after they leave. Sweep the ceilings, walls and floors, then mop, then vacuum. Sanitize the kitchen, dining area and bathrooms with bleach and water. Try to remove anything that could attract pests, whether it’s dirt, crumbs or standing water.

Seal Entry Points

Pests can find their way in through the smallest gaps. Start by caulking and filling in holes in walls, floors, windowsills and doorways. Replace worn out weatherstripping, and fix screens that need repair. Make sure all doors and windows close completely. If it’s been a while since you’ve looked at the roof, check to make sure it doesn’t need repair. Roofs with missing or rotting shingles leave another entry point for rodents. 

Prune the Plants

Greenery brightens up landscaping, but it can also create a jumping off point for pests. Cut back overgrown bushes and shrubs near the house, then clean up the debris and arrange a pickup so it doesn’t stay in the yard. Make sure tree branches aren’t growing too close to or hovering over the house. 

Check the Yard

Plants aren’t the only thing that attract pests. You also need to check on yard equipment and decorations. Store firewood and lumber in a shed, preferably on a high shelf. Remove any sources of standing water, which can attract mosquitoes. Make sure outdoor garbage bins have tightly sealed lids and are emptied out between tenants. It might be worth cleaning them out, as well, to make sure pests don’t go looking in them for food.

Keep Up with Pest Control

Pest control needs may not be as frequent when no one is living in a home, but it’s still necessary to have the home inspected for bugs like termites and rodents that prefer empty homes. Make sure to have a thorough inspection done before new tenants move in, preferably well enough in advance that treatments can be done while no one’s on the property. 

Our team Pro-Staff, an Ankeny pest control company, have seen too many pests in homes that were thought to be empty. If you need pest control services between tenants, we can help. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online.

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