Removing Ticks from Your Yard


Tiny ticks can cause huge problems. Their bites spread serious illnesses like Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. These diseases and more affect both animals and people, which makes these pests especially dangerous. Since ticks are so tiny, they often go undetected until a person or their pet experiences serious symptoms. Here are actions you can take to avoid attracting ticks to your yard. 

Limit Potential Hiding Places

One way to avoid a tick infestation is by limiting the places a tick can hide in your yard. Remove fallen leaves from the ground regularly, bagging them up and disposing of them shortly after. Clear tall grass and brush that grows around your home and lawn, and make sure your lawn is frequently mowed. Avoid keeping trash and old furniture in your yard, where it can become attractive to many types of pests. 

Build Barriers

Put up or fix fences to discourage wild animals, which can carry ticks around, from entering your yard. A single deer can be a host for thousands of ticks. You can also create a three-foot-wide barrier of wood chips or gravel between lawns and wooded areas to make it more difficult for ticks to migrate. This can be done in addition to fencing for added protection. 

Place Backyard Items Mindfully

Backyards can be used for several different purposes. Playground equipment allows children to safely play outside. Decks and patios create nice seating areas for the whole family. However, these and other backyard items can be easy jumping off points for pests. Place these items away from yard edges and trees to avoid attracting ticks and other creatures.

Leave Treatment to the Pros

No matter what DIY steps you take to prevent pests, there’s still a chance they’ll come around. If you end up with a tick problem, you should call a pest control company. Professional technicians will be able to identify different tick species and treat your home accordingly. 

Ticks cause harm to animals and humans, giving irritating bites and spreading disease. If you find ticks on your property, Pro-Staff, an Urbandale pest control company, can help. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online to learn more.

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