Why Mice and Rats Move in During Fall

As leaves fall and temperatures drop, rodents seize the opportunity to move into occupied homes. This isn’t just annoying for homeowners who have to hear them scurrying around. It can also be dangerous for the health of people and pets alike. Rodent feces spread disease, and, left alone, will start causing destruction to build nests or find more food. Here’s why these creatures love seeking shelter in human homes: 

Shelter from Severe Weather

Human homes provide protection from the rain, wind and snow that bother rodents during fall and winter. Female mice and rats especially prefer staying indoors where they can create safe nests for their young. They also find all sorts of materials, like paper, fabric and insulation, which they use to build their nests.

Seeking Warmth 

Even when the weather is not actively bothering or hurting them, it can still be risky for mice and rats. Like humans, these warm blooded creatures cannot sustain themselves in cold weather. That’s why they head into people’s homes to find warmth.

Food Sources

Rodents find all kinds of food sources in homes, even in places you wouldn’t expect. Trash cans, your pet’s food dish, and the pantry are all equal in the eyes of hungry rodents. They’re also not picky about where the food comes back out. Rodent feces and urine spread disease, which is an important reason to remove them if you have an infestation. 

How to Avoid an Infestation

While most rodents find shelter in the cooler months, they don’t typically work hard to do so. That means you can protect yourself from an infestation if you’re careful. Start by keeping your lawn tidy and healthy. Then, inspect your windows, doors and walls for cracks and holes. Once you’ve checked those areas, go outside and make sure outdoor vents, plumbing lines and anything else leading into your home is properly sealed or screened in. This won’t guarantee no rodents— they find their way in through the smallest holes by compressing their bodies into as little as half an inch of space — but it will give you an advantage.

Mice and rats make their way into homes through the smallest cracks and crevices while seeking food and shelter. The Waukee pest control technicians at Pro-Staff have dealt with all sorts of rodent infestations. If you have a rodent problem, we can help. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online to learn more.

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