Pests that Thrive in Fallen Autumn Leaves

orange dead leaves

Playing in autumn leaves can seem like a childhood rite of passage, especially if you watch family-style movies from a certain era. However, these piles, especially if they’ve gathered naturally from lack of lawn maintenance, can be breeding grounds for pests. Before letting your child play in a pile of leaves, consider that the following pests could already be hiding inside:


It’s true that ticks are more active in the summer, but they can still be found hiding in leaf piles and tall grass during cooler seasons. These piles create a welcoming source of shelter and warmth for these disease-spreading pests. 


Leaf piles attract all kinds of insects, which is great news for the spiders that rely on them as a source of food. Disposing of leaf litter in a timely manner will help you avoid attracting garden spiders, which are beneficial and should not be killed, as well as their venomous cousins.  


Some insects simply die out as the temperatures fall, but beetles find ways to adapt. While some beetles burrow underground where it’s safe, others prefer staying aboveground under piles of leaves. As autumn leaves decay, they provide food, cover, darkness and moisture for these insects.

Rodents and Snakes

While it seems odd to group these two together, they tend to gravitate toward leaf piles for the same reason: they’re hungry. Rodents eat beetles as a source of protein, and snakes eat the rodents. Venomous snakes especially gravitate toward piles of fallen leaves, where they can hide while waiting for prey to appear. 

Pests make outdoor play less fun and can even be dangerous. If you have a pest infestation, the Ankeny pest control experts at Pro-Staff can help. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online to learn more.

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