What to Do When Chiggers Bite


Chiggers, also known as berry bugs or harvest mites, are a family of mites that enjoy grassy areas, lakes and streams. This makes them disruptors of outdoor adventures. These creatures latch onto clothing, crawl around looking for the best patch of skin, make tiny holes with their claws, then stay attached to a host for several days while eating their liquified cells. They don’t spread disease, but they cause serious discomfort. Here’s what to do if you think you’ve encountered them.

Full Body Check

Start by looking for tiny red dots that are moving quickly or are attached to your skin. If you see more than one of these, it’s probably chiggers. These insects mostly attach to the skin on waists and lower legs. In some cases, you won’t even feel them until a few hours after they’ve burrowed in. Make sure to look for them whenever you spend time in their natural habitats.

Clean Your Clothes and Yourself

Going outside comes with many possible dangers, including pests. Ticks and chiggers can both do harm undetected, so it’s important to clean yourself off after outdoor adventures. It’s especially important if you find bites or burrowed chiggers. Wash your clothes, blankets and towels you’ve used since you got the bites in hot water. Take a bath or shower, scrubbing your skin with soap and water. 

Treat the Bites

Since chiggers don’t spread disease, there’s no need to panic if you’re bitten by them. In most cases, over-the-counter anti-itch cream or ointment can give you plenty of relief. Cold compresses also help between treatments. See a doctor only if they’re still bothering you after a few days or you feel extreme discomfort, which could be signs of a more serious reaction. 

Get Rid of Them

You don’t have to go far to fall victim to chiggers. Sometimes, they can be found in your own backyard. To avoid this, maintain your lawn. These creatures like to hide in tall grass, weeds and overgrown vegetation. If you have pest problems, consider using pet-friendly pesticides. If you spend time in your yard, wash your clothes soon after so they don’t spread around any pests that have clung to them.

Chigger bites cause a lot of discomfort, so you’ll want to get rid of them if you find them in your yard. The Grimes pest control team at Pro-Staff can help. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online to learn more.

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