Spiders, Spiders Everywhere: What to Do About Spiders

Spiders may be creepy, crawly critters, but they’re not all bad. In fact, seeing one or two spiders in your house means you have built-in control from other pests. Most spiders don’t cause humans harm, even if they accidentally land on them. The only times spiders become a problem are if you have an infestation, or you see a venomous spider like a black widow or a brown recluse. Here’s what to do if that’s the case.

Clean the House

Spiders enjoy clean houses just as much as dirty ones. However, what spiders love the most is abandoned areas of homes or areas that are less traveled. Tucked away corners, crawl spaces, garages, attics and closets all attract spiders. If you keep these areas clean, consistently removing webs and vacuuming thoroughly, you shouldn’t have to worry about an infestation.

Get Rid of Clutter

When you move from place to place, it can be difficult to let go of certain items. Clutter comes from years of keeping things for sentimental reasons or because you could someday need them. This doesn’t just make your home appear messy— it can also attract unwanted eight-legged guests. Cardboard boxes, old shoes, and anything else that’s long-abandoned in storage makes a great home for these tiny critters.

Remove Entrances

Unlike people, spiders don’t just walk in through the front door. They don’t want to attract that kind of attention, so they’ll find smaller cracks to slip through. These can be found in loose screens or worn-out weather stripping. They also find their way in through tiny holes on the inside and outside of the home, which can generally be plugged with caulking. 

Schedule Preventative Pest Control

If you find a lot of spiders in your home, the problem isn’t necessarily the spiders themselves. Spiders need food to survive, and their diet consists of other pests. This means that a spider infestation is a sign of a larger pest infestation. Keeping up with pest control maintenance will help prevent spiders and the pests they eat from taking over your home.

To recap, finding one spider in your home is fine and can be beneficial. Finding many spiders in your home can be a sign of a larger infestation. Pro-Staff, a West Des Moines pest control company, can help you with your spider problem and get to the root of it. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online to learn more.

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