What to Do About Stink Bugs

stink bug

While they’re all frustrating, not all pest infestations are created equal. Some bugs can infest your home for a long time, and you’ll never know or deal with them one-on-one. Stink bugs are a prime example. They can stay hidden but tend to flock together in the thousands. When they come out of hiding, they can really wreak havoc on your home. Not to mention, they smell pretty bad when they die. Here’s what you can do if this happens in your home. 

Why They Come In

Stink bugs, just like people, seek warmth in the winter. This leads them to people’s comfortable, heated homes. They come in through cracks and crevices by the thousands and stay all winter long. The good news is, once spring comes, they typically leave.

How They Behave

These insects like to explore all kinds of surfaces inside homes. They seek warmth, whether that’s in a bathtub or a cup of hot chocolate. Stink bugs don’t fly very well when they emerge because they’re in diapause, a semi-hibernated state. This happens during warm points in winter, when the warm temperatures make them think it’s spring. Instead of going outside where it’s not warm, they emerge from their hiding places into your home.

What They Don’t Do

When considering the behavior of stink bugs, it’s important to consider what they don’t do. For some people, smelling bad is enough of a nuisance. However, these insects don’t eat, bite or reproduce indoors. They also don’t stick around like some other pests. Once spring comes for real, they’ll head right back outside. So, they’re annoying but not actively harmful, unless you consider their smell when they’re squished or die.

How to Get Rid of Them

First, call a pest control company. Did we mention there are thousands of stink bugs in any given group? A pest control company will know what to do to get rid of the whole group. In the meantime, vacuum up the ones you see, then immediately dispose of the vacuum bag to avoid their signature stink in your home. Whatever you do, don’t squish them. The bad smelling odor they emit when they die is bad enough to give them their name.

Avoid Letting Them Back In

Household maintenance can help save you from any number of pests. Insects and small animals typically leave when met with any resistance. Here are steps you can take:

  • Seal off entry points. 
  • Keep outdoor lighting to a minimum. 
  • Reduce moisture around your home from leaky pipes or clogged drains. 
  • Consider a dehumidifier if you have a lot of moisture in your home.
  • Keep food and trash sealed. 
  • Inspect items before bringing them indoors.

Having stink bugs in your home really stinks. If you’re dealing with stink bugs or any other pests, the Des Moines pest control pros at Pro-Staff can help. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online to learn more.

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