How Bed Bugs Survive the Winter

bed bug

During the winter, most pests die off or become dormant. For a few months, there’s a nice reprieve from the mosquito bites and wasp stings of warmer seasons. Some pests, however, have figured out how to survive even when the weather is at its coldest. One of those species of pests is the bed bug. Here’s how these creatures have learned to adapt during winter:

Staying In Place

Bed bugs don’t like the cold, so during the winter, they’re much less likely to hitch rides on travelers. This helps them survive wherever they are. Unfortunately for homeowners, this means that they will spend the winter hunkering down in a place they’ve already infested. 


The survival of any species relies on reproduction, and bed bugs are no exception. Bed bugs reproduce rapidly, with females laying up to 250 eggs in their lifetime. Infestations spread faster when the weather’s warm, but it doesn’t stop when the weather cools down, especially if they’ve found warm shelter.

Resisting Treatment

Bed bugs have grown resistant to certain pesticides that have been used in the past to eliminate them. Most DIY treatments only reach a few of them, especially if you don’t find all the bed bugs in your home. Your best bet to get rid of bed bugs is to call a professional pest control company, as they’ll know exactly what to do and how to eliminate these insects at all stages of their life cycle. 

Bed bugs are one of the rare pests that stick around for the winter. Pro-Staff offers West Des Moines bed bug control services to eliminate these pests. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online to learn more.

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