Why It’s Never “Just One Mouse”

Finding a mouse in your house may seem like a minor inconvenience, but it can be a sign of a bigger problem. One mouse appearing is typically a sign of many mice hiding. Homes — full of food, water and warmth — make the perfect spots for mouse nests. Once a nest is created, mice multiply in a short period of time. Here are the reasons why you should worry when you find the first sign of mice:

They Come in to Nest

When the first mouse or two comes into your home, their main purpose is to find a safe space to create a nest. Houses create secure, comfortable environments with endless supplies of food and water. They also contain all sorts of items that can be made into nests, like cardboard, insulation, and clothing. While a mouse infestation may start as just a couple mice, they reproduce quickly. Each litter of baby mice contains six to eight pups. 

Mice Reproduce Early

Once a litter of baby mice are born, they reach sexual maturity within five to eight weeks. five to eight weeks. In less than two months, a significant number of fully grown mice may be ready to reproduce. This means their populations can turn exponential in a short period of time. When you start seeing signs of mice, it’s time to call a pest control company.

Never Say Never

We said it’s never just one mouse, but there is an exception to this rule. If you see a mouse scurry across your kitchen floor during the day, it may be on its own trying to escape the cold. To find out if there are more, check for droppings around your home or chewed-through containers. Four to five droppings can come from one mouse. Seeing several droppings is a sign of more mice or a mouse that’s nesting and will soon produce more. 

Taking care of Des Moines rodent control can be difficult without professional help. That’s where our experts at Pro-Staff come in. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online to learn more about our rodent control services.

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