Understanding Why Bed Bugs Live Indoors

Most pests thrive outdoors until harsh conditions drive them inside. With bed bugs, this is not the case. In fact, these bugs are thought to have always lived under shelter. Bed bugs most likely originated from caves. It should be no surprise that as shelter improved, bed bugs found the new habitats more enticing. Here’s why bed bugs prefer to live indoors:

Protective Shelter

As the name suggests, bed bugs tend to live in beds. Bedrooms, hospital rooms and hotel rooms appeal to bed bugs for many reasons. First, they protect bed bugs from natural predators like cockroaches and pharaoh ants. They’re also dry areas that don’t get too hot or too cold for bed bugs to survive. 

Access to Food

Their shelter comes with an added bonus for bed bugs  — a constant food source. Bed bugs only feed on blood, and they need regular meals to survive. These can be difficult to find in nature, where environments vary and can change in a flash. Living indoors makes it easier for bed bugs to consistently feed. People need to rest for at least a few hours every day, so furniture people rest on is the ideal habitat for these blood-sucking bugs.

Hiding Spots

Nooks and crannies inside homes and businesses create the perfect spots for bed bugs to hide. Beds tend to be near other furniture where bed bugs can explore and reproduce. During the day, these nocturnal creatures hide in close proximity to their hosts. They don’t come out until they’re satisfied that the room’s occupants are asleep. 

Bed bugs have evolved to stay indoors, where they have protection from shelter, a constant supply of food and plenty of places to hide. The Urbandale bed bug control at Pro-Staff have seen all the places where bed bugs hide. If you find bed bugs on your property, give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online.

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