5 Reasons Spiders Aren’t So Scary

Are your spidey senses tingling at the mention of spiders? Don’t be afraid— spiders are not as scary as you may think. Spiders have many abilities and characteristics that are not widely known. Here are 5 reasons why spiders aren’t really scary and what to do about them if they become a problem. 

Spiders Eat Pests

Spiders can be a natural form of pest control on a small scale. Spiders tend to kill the pests that we see in the home setting\ Insects like roaches, earwigs, fleas, flies, moths and mosquitoes are all tasty snacks to spiders. Pests like fleas can spread typhus, which is harmful to both pets and humans. Mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches are all known to carry diseases. Spiders are actually helping to keep us safe, rather than trying to bite us.  

Spider Venom can Be Used in Medicine

Spider venom is being tested in some medicines. Venom from black widows is known to cause nausea, muscle aches and paralysis of the diagram. However, scientists have been conducting research in order to use this venom in necessary medication. This can be a great turning point in medicine if spider venom can be used to help treat illnesses. However, being cautious of getting bit by a spider is still very important. (We’re not saying getting bitten is an immediate pain-reliever!)  Seek immediate medical attention if you’re bitten. 

Spiders Help the Environment

For farmers, spiders are a great way to help maintain crops. They welcome spiders because spiders eat insects that like to eat crops. Insects like caterpillars are vultures when it comes to farming. Spiders help to keep the caterpillars from overeating. Farmers also welcome spiders because they act as a great pesticide. There are over 600 species of spiders that are found on farmland, providing pest control against the insects that eat crops.  

Spiders Produce Silk

Did you know that spider silk is actually five times stronger than steel? Although it hasn’t been tested, scientists predict that spider silk could be used in place of kevlar to aid in the production of protective armor. Spider silk is woven and molded into shape, making it very useful in building stronger and durable materials. The nanofibers in spider silk make for a very intricate design that is able to withstand the tests of nature. 

They’re Good Luck!

How can something that seems so dangerous and deadly be good luck? In ancient Chinese culture, spiders are thought to bring good fortune. This may come as a surprise to people because spiders are a scary insect. In English folklore, they show up as symbols of luck and wealth. There’s even a saying: “If you want to live and thrive, let the spider run alive.” 

Although spiders are a great natural form of pest control, seeing too many could be a sign of a larger infestation. When spiders become overwhelming, we’re here to help you control their numbers. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online to learn more about our West Des Moines pest control services.

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