4 Signs That It’s Time to Call an Exterminator

When our homes get infested with insects and rodents, we’re sometimes too late to catch them. By adding preventative measures to your home, like bug barriers and regular repellent treatments, you get a better handle on potential pest problems. However, it may be hard to tell when it’s time to call in the professionals. Here are signs that it’s time to call an exterminator to handle your problems the correct way. 

Bite Marks

Getting bitten by bugs is an obvious sign that they have gotten out of hand. When you’re inside your home you should not have to worry about bug bites. This is a clear indication that it’s time to call an exterminator. Bites from insects can lead to infection, which can cause people to get sick. Before the problem gets more serious, it’s recommended to reach out to a trusted exterminator to alleviate the problem. 

Droppings are Everywhere

Droppings from rodents are evidence of a potential overpopulation problem. Seeing the droppings clustered in areas that are uncovered and visible is a sign that there’s a problem. Insect droppings are typically small, scattered black pellets. Insect droppings can also include body parts like wings and legs.

Damage to Your Home’s Foundation

When your home is being infested, and it starts to become visible in the foundation, it can mean there’s a serious problem. Damage to the foundation of your home can look like splintering and blistering wood. There may be mud tubes present along the sides of your home— leave these in place so that an inspector can take a look at them. Although termites are unable to damage the foundation of a home if it’s concrete or block, they can have detrimental effects on older homes with wood foundations. 

Smells and Sounds

Strange odors are a sign of an infestation. Odors indicate that there are enough insects or rodents within the home and that they have overpowered the home. Scratching, scurrying, and squeaking are associated with various types of rodents, all of which you don’t want in your home. Sounds in the walls, in the attic, or under the floorboards are daunting and eerie. Calling in the professionals is the best way to tackle this problem. 

Having unwanted insects and rodents in the home can become a much bigger problem if not handled right away. Need some assistance in controlling the intruders? Pro-Staff provides the best extermination service in Des Moines. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online to schedule a free inspection.

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