4 Remedies for Ant Bites

No one likes to be bothered by ants. They bite, they swarm, and be destructive to our favorite plants. Ant bites are often unexpected,  we may not always have insect ointment on hand when we get bitten by these insects. Find out four ways you can remedy ant bites at home. 

Tea Tree Oil

This oil has soothing and healing properties. Known for its anti-inflammatory agents, this oil is a great remedy for the stings and burns associated with ant bites. Another key factor when it comes to this oil is that it is an antibacterial oil, meaning that it will help prevent infections. 

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera offers cooling and comfort for the stinging and itching that ant bites cause. Aloe has antioxidant and antibacterial properties, which help with the prevention of infection by bacteria that may be present on the skin when you’re attacked by ants. Aloe vera helps to speed up the healing process of scars because it can increase the production of collagen. 


Honey is a home remedy for ant bites because of its ability to soothe redness, swelling, and itching. Honey has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce redness and swelling. Like many other remedies mentioned above, honey is an antibacterial agent that works to reduce the risk of infection. It helps with the itching because of its soothing factors, much like when we have sore throats and we use honey and lemon to soothe the ache. This natural remedy can be found in most households and is a great quick remedy for ant bites. 


Yes, toothpaste! This unlikely remedy can help reduce the burning and itching that comes from being bitten by ants. This provides some relief from the bite and can help in the reduction of inflammation. Toothpaste has menthol in it that provides a cooling effect. Menthol has anti-inflammatory properties to reduce swelling. Coupled with the cooling factors, toothpaste is a quick and easy remedy for ant bites. 

Ants can cause ant bites that are both painful and annoying. Need some assistance controlling the volume of ants around your home? We provide the best Des Moines pest control. Give us a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online to schedule a free inspection.

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