How to Stop the Spread of Fleas

Summer is here and life abounds, especially for insects. You have probably noticed a huge increase in the amount of fleas on your pets lately. Fleas thrive in hot weather. You may have also noted that from year to year the amount of fleas in your home, yard, and on your pets changes. Pro-Staff, your Des Moines flea exterminator, is here to share facts and information pertaining to fleas and how to keep them from infiltrating and spreading in your home and yard. 

Check Your Pets

Fleas are difficult to spot on your pets, especially on pets with dark fur. More often than not, fleas can be noticed when your pet is lying on the ground exposing its belly to be scratched. The less dense fur on an animal’s underside makes it easier to see the fleas either feasting or running for cover. Another indicator is flea dirt, which is a euphemism for flea poop. The tiny black spots are not easy to see on your pets, but since they do not move, you can find them when grooming your pet. 

Wash Bedding 

Anywhere your pets sleep or spend the majority of their time is a great place to harbor fleas or their eggs. Wash bedding with soap and water frequently anytime you note a high concentration of fleas. While you’re at it, you might as well wash all the bedding you can in your home. Even if your furry friend isn’t allowed on the bed, there’s no guarantee that they haven’t been there or that the fleas haven’t spread.

Wash Your Pets 

While it may feel detrimental to your health to wash your cat, some dogs love the idea of bathtime. An outside washing is fine, as long as the water is temperate. Fleas do not like soap and water, but the water must be hot in order to kill the fleas. Since your pets cannot take water that hot without being scalded, use a vet-recommended flea shampoo you can purchase in most stores. Combing your pets with a flea comb as part of washing is a double whammy since the fleas are stunned by the soap and water and are much easier to remove. Be sure to comb near the base of the tail and at intersections of appendages and body.

Sweep and Vacuum

Most people believe fleas are fond of carpeted areas, but they are just as likely to live in the cracks and crevices of hard floors. Vacuum carpets frequently, and use the vacuum hose at the intersection of floor and walls where fleas love to congregate. If your pets spend time on upholstered furniture, vacuum that as well. The vacuum attachment works splendidly between cushions. Once you finish vacuuming, remove the bag. You do not want fleas hatching inside the vacuum and hopping out in your broom closet. If you use a broom, gather the dust in the dustbin and take it outside, preferably to the trash can.

Treat Your Pets

Your veterinarian has medication to keep fleas from making your pet their home. These treatments are generally more expensive than what you purchase at the store, but they are significantly more effective. 

We know fleas, and we know their habits. We can treat your home and yard with professional grade insecticides to keep you and your family safe while stopping your flea population from escalating. Give your Des Moines flea exterminator a call at 515-279-7378 or schedule a free flea inspection by contacting us online

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