Why WDI Inspections are Important When Buying or Selling a Home

You find your dream home and are ready to purchase. Your realtor suggests a WDI (wood-destroying insect) inspection before you sign the paperwork. You stare back blankly. The house looks perfect! Why bother? Well, everything might not be as it seems. Your West Des Moines pest control company has advice on why WDI inspections are vitally important. 

What should I expect with a WDI inspection?

A certified pest control company, such as Pro-Staff Iowa, will inspect your home carefully using an NPMA-33 checklist. This report pinpoints whether wood-destroying insects are present — either alive or dead — and where damage has occurred. 

The inspector will check the home’s interior and exterior, going into crawl spaces and basements, attics and garages. If any damage is discovered, the inspector will discuss treatment of the areas affected. The inspection is visual by nature. No structural changes will occur when the inspector completes the survey.

What if I don’t want to have a WDI inspection on my home when I sell it?

If the buyer wishes to finance the loan for your home through a bank, chances are very good a WDI inspection is mandatory. Any home financed with a government backed loan, such as a VA loan, requires a WDI inspection. Because the buyer is more at risk if the house has insect damage, it is usually the buyer who pays for the WDI inspection, but this may vary from state to state.

Who’s been eating my house?

New construction is built with pressure-treated wood that insects find extremely difficult to destroy. Over time, any wood exposed to rain or standing water becomes susceptible to rot, and rot draws in wood-eating insects.

The Environmental Protection Agency reports termites cause billions of dollars in structural damage annually. Knowing about damage before you purchase a home or place your home on the market can hugely impact the price. 

While most people understand the importance of termite control, other insects also make use of the soft wood in your home. Carpenter ants, carpenter bees, and wood-boring (powderpost) beetles attack as well as termites. Therefore, the WDI inspection searches out all wood destroying insect damage.

How can I tell if my house (or house-to-be) has damage?

Go along the perimeter of the home and look for signs of wood rot. It is extremely easy to paint over decayed wood to hide imperfections. Look for peeling or raised (bubbled) paint along wooden planks. If you see signs of decay, mold, or mildew, feel for damage by pushing in at the site of the decay. Any of these signs mean a WDI inspection is imperative.

Most insects bore through wood to lay eggs. Termites and carpenter ants shelter within wood, while carpenter bees and wood-boring beetles lay eggs in holes they gnaw in wood. Most damage is directly below the surface, so exposing damage is as easy as prodding the damaged area with a shoe.
Remember, when shopping for a WDI inspection expert, it pays to find one with a great reputation, a proven track record, and positive reviews. Call Pro-Staff Iowa, your West Des Moines pest control company, at 515-279-7378 to schedule your WDI inspection today!

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