How Professional Pest Control Companies Eliminate Bed Bugs

When most people think about bed bugs, their minds focus on unkempt rooms in squalid living  conditions. Unfortunately, bed bugs are not that particular as to where they live. Any home – no  matter the level of cleanliness – can be a haven for bed bugs. Bed bug control in Des Moines is  

not something a homeowner can tackle with a can of bug spray from a big box store. These  pests require professional eradication from a company like Pro-Staff. 

How do you know you have bed bugs in your home? 

Bed bugs are problematic because they cause sores, itching, and great irritation. On a positive  note, they do not spread disease. Most homes become infested with bed bugs after a family  member returns from a trip. Bed bugs hitch rides on clothing, on the outside of suitcases, or on 

any surface where they can burrow. Because they are only 5mm in length (about the size and  color of an apple seed), they are difficult to see. Eggs are even more difficult to detect since they  are clear or white and the size of a pinhead. Most people recognize the presence of bed bugs  when they have unexplained patches of irritated skin when they wake in the morning. 

Eliminating bed bugs 

Many professional companies are touting heat treatment to stop bed bugs. This works to treat  adults, nymphs, and eggs. A follow-up treatment is necessary, but it’s often not offered. Pro Staff has the experience to find where bed bugs hide and treat those areas with a specific  treatment program for each home.  

Bed bug treatment has remained unchanged for decades, and these pests have grown resistant  to many pesticides. Pro-Staff utilizes Apprehend, a natural, non-toxic, commercial grade  insecticide along with heat, steam, and/or vacuum treatments. Your home’s level of infestation  along with its size will determine the course of action.  

How does heat kill bed bugs? 

The narrow range of temperatures for bed bugs to thrive gives a non-toxic treatment program such as heat or steam the advantage of eradicating these pests without chemicals. Professional  treatment companies such as Pro-Staff will give homeowners instructions on what to remove  from the house (family members and pets) and how long the house needs to be evacuated.  Usually, family members are able to return after 4 hours.  

Once areas have been heated, steamed, and/or vacuumed, it will still require a pesticide  treatment since heat has no residual effects. Treatment generally includes a contact insecticide  for surfaces, a residual insecticide for out of sight areas (beneath furniture, under mattresses,  between floors and walls), and a dust insecticide for tiny crevices and outlets. 

This initial treatment will kill the majority of bed bugs, but most infestations require multiple  treatments.  

Why can’t I kill bed bugs myself? 

The insecticides used to kill bed bugs are potent. Many states will not sell these chemicals to  anyone other than trained pest control professionals.  

Finding the source of the infestation is extremely difficult since bed bugs are tiny and hide in  wall outlets, behind wallpaper, in tiny cracks, or in the wood on your bed’s headboard. Female  bed bugs are prolific egg layers, so missing one bed bug in your home extermination project  leads to another infestation.

The bed bug treatments available in many stores are too ineffective to eradicate most  infestations. You need the professionals at Pro-Staff to eliminate all your bed bugs. Contact the  bed bug control in Des Moines team at 515 279-PEST (7378).

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