Why You Should Invest in a Pest Control Plan

You recently had Des Moines’s pest control specialists, Pro-Staff, visit your home on a friend’s  recommendation. The Pro-Staff team was knowledgeable and worked quickly. You really did not  have a pest problem before they came by. Is it worthwhile to call them next year? Below are  several points of interest on why pest control plans are one of the best investments of your life. 


A family of cute mice in the corner of the basement closet may not trigger you to call an  exterminator, but when those babies grow up and you suddenly have an entire mischief of mice  in your home, the amount spent to eradicate these pests will be much more expensive. Likewise,  a small amount of rotted wood at the base of a door frame may not seem like a big deal until  the porch support beneath the door gives way due to termite damage.  

Many homeowners do not realize an infestation has occurred until it is quite out of control.  Rather than calling Pro-Staff in a panic, have the Des Moines pest control team treat your home  on a regular basis. Their training can help pinpoint areas of concern and allow you to pay a  minimal amount for repairs rather than a tremendous amount to fix a problem which could have  been handled easily had it not been delayed. 

Your family’s health 

Many household pests, such as mice, rats, or roaches, spread diseases through close contact,  bites, or even fecal material. Be safe. Ensure your family does not encounter preventable  diseases caused by vermin by contracting with a reliable pest control company such as Pro Staff. 


Reputable pest control specialists offer a monetary guarantee against termite damage as long as  your home is inspected every year. While it may seem a large amount to pay every year just to  hear your home is in good shape, the peace of mind knowing termites are not gnawing on your  subfloor supports is priceless.  


The cost of yearly pest control is much less than you imagine, and definitely less than calling  professionals to remove a cockroach infestation or several nests of mice. You spend more  money on your home than almost anything else you own. Think of pest control as an investment  to keep your home’s value high. 

Another consideration associated with price is the amount of damage pests can do: mice and  other rodents chew through power cords, eat small quantities of many foods in your pantry, and  dig holes in your carpet. Think about the money you spend on roach spray, flea carpet powders,  and other over-the-counter pest remedies. Invest in a quality pest control service that will  properly eradicate your house pests.

Contact Pro-Staff today at 515 279-PEST (7378) and ask one of our friendly representatives  about setting up a pest control plan with Des Moines pest control team of choice. You’ll be glad  you did. 

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