Winter vacations are around the corner, and many individuals are taking advantage of time off to visit friends and relatives. Some of these vacations are within private homes while others are in hotels near the action. Both these choices have something in common, though: the threat of bed bugs. Pro-Staff, Ankeny’s bed bug control specialists, have facts and information to help keep your vacation memories good ones.
Ten years ago, you did not hear about bed bugs. There has been a recent upsurge in the amount of infestations in hotels, homes, and even department stores that have placed bed bug infestations front and center. A recent poll of pest control companies reports an uptick of 70% more reports of bed bugs than a decade ago.
Packing and unpacking
Because bed bugs are difficult to spot – even if you are seeking them out – bringing them home on your suitcase is quite easy. Most suitcases have soft sides to cut down on weight. Hard shelled suitcases deter bed bugs from clinging to them. A less expensive option is to wrap your suitcase in a garbage bag before entering your vacation abode. Not a fan of garbage bags? Use sealable plastic bags for your belongings, opening them only to remove the items before resealing them. Be sure to use a luggage rack to unpack your clothes, or unpack in the bathroom where bed bugs are less likely to hide.
Inspecting your room
Use a flashlight (your phone’s flashlight is great) to shine into baseboard cracks, folds in bedding, ruffled bedskirts, between mattresses and box springs, behind pictures, around the headboard, in wood bed posts, or any tiny surface or seam within close proximity of the bed. Look for tiny, pinhead sized black bugs or any tiny stains from their feeding.
What if you find something?
Change rooms, but do not accept a room next to yours or directly above or below your room. Go through the same inspection procedure as above. If you have already unpacked, the hotel should voluntarily wash all your clothes free of charge to decontaminate them.
Before you unpack at home
Even if you did not see evidence of bed bugs in the room, that doesn’t mean they weren’t there. Inspect every item before it is carried inside. Use the garage or balcony or any place away from furniture. Look in seams, pockets, linings, and folds. If you find evidence of bed bugs, steam clean or vacuum your suitcase, and wash all your clothes – clean and dirty – on a high heat setting. Remove the clothes you wore on the trip home as well and wash those. Dry for at least 30 minutes. This kills not only the bed bugs but any eggs or larvae.
Worst case scenario
If you do happen to bring home bed bugs, don’t despair – Pro-Staff is Ankeny’s bed bug control headquarters. We can help eradicate all traces of bed bugs from your home. Remember, bed bugs reproduce quickly and are extremely difficult to control once they enter your home.
You may have heard adding mothballs to a garment bag with your clothes will kill bed bugs. It will not. Neither will home chemical treatments, ultrasonic insect control, rubbing alcohol, essential oil, cayenne pepper, or sleeping with the lights on. Call the experts at Pro-Staff at 515 279-PEST (7378). You will be so relieved when you do.