Bug Proofing Your Home for the Holidays

During the holidays, many families open their homes to others. Hopefully those entering will be on 2 legs rather than 6. Surprisingly, the décor you use in your home might be riddled with tiny unwanted guests. For information on holiday pest control in Des Moines, look no further than Pro-Staff.

Fresh trees…the fragrance…the beauty…the…insects? 

Out in the forest, it is common knowledge trees are insect habitats. When they are harvested and placed in our home, the consensus is they have been thoroughly sanitized. However, many pop-up tree lots sell extremely fresh trees. Read that as “still home to insects.” Many tree lots have tree shakers to mechanically remove dead needles and debris, but insects are quite tenacious and cling tightly to needles and bark. They like their home and do not mind the car trip to your home. 


When you haul your ornaments and decorations from the attic, garage, or closet, look closely at the packaging, especially if you pack in cardboard boxes. Insects are attracted to the glue used to hold boxes together, and boxes can be a staple of many insect diets. Take all boxes outside into bright sunlight as you inspect them. If you see evidence of damage on the exterior, open the box and inspect inside. And this year, invest in sturdy plastic containers.


Cozying up in front of a crackling fire with hot chocolate and a good book is a great escape from the hustle and bustle of the holidays…until you see something small and black scurrying across the floor. Your indoor warmth is like an insect’s outdoor home. Stacked firewood is a great location for insects to overwinter, and when they “defrost” in your home, their first thought is a hearty meal. To prevent insects from destroying your cozy moment, store your wood in an elevated rack at least 20’ from your home. Before you bring in firewood, knock the pieces together to dislodge any insects. 

Holiday baking

Nothing shows your appreciation for others like a homemade cookie or cake. Holiday baking means pulling out cookie cutters and ginger from the back of the cabinet where they have been waiting patiently for months. Look carefully at any products containing flour or those used to press or cut flour products, such as cookie cutters. Food moths live on even a small bit of flour, and can create webs and larva in your flour supplies.  Throw out any foods with insect damage, and thoroughly wash and disinfect all baking supplies before and directly after use.

Family meals are enjoyable times where everyone can eat and visit. When the meal is over, though, not many people volunteer to clean the mess. Leaving it for later is an invitation for insects to have their holiday meal. Clean as you cook to keep the cleanup time at a minimum at meal’s end. Have family members clear their plates and load them into the dishwasher after eating. Place all leftovers into the refrigerator or freezer as quickly as possible, especially chicken or turkey products. Be sure to sweep and mop the floor as well because gravity affects even the most conscientious of cooks.

If you do find an infestation in your home, don’t panic! Your holiday pest control specialists in Des Moines, Pro-Staff, will quickly and professionally bring your home back to picture-perfect. Give us a call today at 515 279-PEST (7378), and Happy Holidays!

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