A WDI (wood destroying insect) inspection determines whether your home is infested with insects that could significantly reduce the value of your home. Learn whose responsibility it is to order the inspection, why it’s a good idea, and how to find a qualified inspector from your Des Moines WDI inspection experts at Pro-Staff.
What is a wood destroying insect?
Most people only think of termites when they picture an insect gnawing at the wood on their homes. However, be aware that carpenter ants take advantage of soft, water damaged wood and can cause extreme damage as well. In fact if wood has the consistency of firm soil, it can be home to varied colonies of insects.
Why do homes need a WDI inspection?
Your home may look stable and secure, but if it is an older home built before lumber was treated with pesticides, which is now standard, it may already house millions of termites or other wood destroying insects. A home is a huge investment. The home of your dreams may look perfect, but termites are proficient at hiding well out of sight. In fact, if you ever see external termite damage, it generally means the termites are ahead of year by years, or perhaps decades. A WDI inspection allays any concerns about the home’s stability due to insect damage.
What should I expect in a WDI inspection?
The inspection team, such as Pro-Staff, will closely look at your home, property, outbuildings, and any other structures where wood was used. Fences or shrubs not abutting the home are not checked for insect damage.
The inspector will give you a detailed report with each structure on the property. Any damage will include the extent of damage, the type of insect causing the damage, and whether the damage is structural or cosmetic.
If any damage is evident, a qualified contractor will recommend structural upgrades to stabilize the home or other structure.
The WDI report is then forwarded to the mortgage lender or loan underwriter who determines whether a loan will be approved. If the WDI report shows structural damage that has not been repaired, the loan may not be approved. Any repairs performed because of the WDI report findings will need to be re-inspected.
Who performs a WDI inspection?
A qualified pest control company generally will have a WDI expert or team ready to answer your questions and perform the inspection. Pro-Staff has a top notch WDI team ready to assist you. WDI inspections are usually guaranteed for a year, and a yearly termite inspection is recommended from that point forward.
Who pays for the WDI inspection?
While it is usually the responsibility of the seller, if it is not included in the home inspection, the buyer may request the WDI inspection in conjunction with the home inspection. If the buyer pays for the WDI inspection, that party can hire the WDI inspector he or she chooses.
Choose the pros at Pro-Staff for your Des Moines WDI inspections by calling 515 279-PEST (7378). Rest assured we will thoroughly check your house-to-be or house for sale for any potential damage.