5 Myths and Misconceptions About Mice

Mice scurry through homes, often unseen, giving themselves an air of mystery. Through the years, old wives’ tales have risen to the status of “little-known fact.” Some of these facts, however, are totally false. The West Des Moines mice control team at Pro-Staff is here to dispel some of the myths around mice. 

Mice Live in Dirty Places

A common misconception about mice (and most pests) is that they thrive in dirty environments. While it’s true that tidying up can help you prevent a mouse infestation, it’s not dirt they’re attracted to. They also love the shelter provided by stored and forgotten boxes, food that isn’t tightly sealed and even pet food. You don’t have to be messy to attract these critters.

Mice Have No Bones

By skillfully squeezing into tight spaces, mice have given people the impression that they don’t have skeletons or that their bones are actually cartilage. However, this isn’t the case. While they have plenty of bones, their ribs are collapsible, which is what allows them to maneuver through the smallest cracks and holes in your home’s foundation. 

Mice Travel Alone

You may find lone mice outdoors, but they’re not typically by themselves in your home. In fact, most mice find their way inside looking for a place to build a nest. So, not only will you have the mouse parents in your home; if you don’t get the mouse problem taken care of early, your home will soon be supporting an entire family of mice. 

Mice Can’t Climb

It sure would be nice if mice couldn’t climb. Unfortunately for homeowners, mice are actually quite skilled at climbing. That’s how they find their ways into attics and crawl spaces on all levels of homes. In case you’ve heard otherwise, these agile creatures can also swim. 

Mice Love Cheese

Through old wives’ tales and legends, mice and rats gained a reputation for loving cheese. Mice will eat cheese if it’s left out. However, they’ll also eat peanut butter, cereal, and many other types of food. When setting traps, your best bet is to leave whatever they’ve been eating in the trap. That way, you know you’re giving the mouse what it wants, and you have a higher chance of catching it. 
Now that you know more about the mouse in your house, you should contact the West Des Moines mice control experts at Pro-Staff. Call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online.

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