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Cleaning Up After a Mice Infestation

When mice infest your home, they can wreak havoc. Their droppings, residue and bite marks seem to appear everywhere. That means that once you’ve dealt with the infestation, there’s another important task that comes next: cleaning up. Here’s how you can clean your home after a mice infestation. 

Dispose of Droppings

Vacuum all mouse droppings you find in your home, whether it’s on floors, bedding or furniture. Wash any surfaces that can be washed, especially if you find mice droppings on them. Dispose of the vacuum bag quickly and outside of your home so the droppings don’t continue to contaminate your home. 

Clean Up Residue

Mice leave a greasy residue on walls and scurry across all kinds of surfaces. To remove the residue, scrub it with a solution of 1 part vinegar 2 parts water, then disinfect with a mixture of ½ cup bleach and 1 gallon of water. Use the disinfecting solution on all surfaces where you believe the mice may have been.

Remove Contaminated Items

If mice got into any of your food, bedding, papers, etc., to eat or use as nesting materials, throw it away. It’s not worth keeping these contaminated items in your home and risking the possibility of disease. If they got into a particularly valuable linen or clothing item that you want to clean, make sure to clean it as thoroughly as possible as soon as you can.

Seal Up Your Home

The final step for cleaning up after a mice infestation is ensuring that you won’t invite them right back in. Check for any openings and holes in the interior and exterior of your home, and get them sealed with mesh or caulk, depending on the surface. It’s important to take this step to ensure that your home will remain mouse-free.

Getting rid of a mice infestation is a real chore, but cleaning up after the fact is just as important. Are you dealing with mice in West Des Moines? Pro-Staff offers mice control! Call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online for a free inspection.

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