Knowing When it’s Time to Call the Pros About Moles

When you find moles in your yard, it can be difficult not to make a mountain out of a molehill. These creatures prefer to stay underground, but when they surface, they can destroy grass and other plants. If you find them early, you may be able to scare them away without the assistance of professionals. Here’s how to know when it’s time to call for assistance. 

Natural deterrents haven’t worked

Getting rid of grubs removes the moles’ food source, which should get rid of the problem. Grubs can also cause harm to your lawn by eating the roots of your grass, so getting rid of them is a win-win. Sprinkling cayenne pepper or coffee grounds, or spraying castor oil/dish soap can also irritate moles enough that they’ll leave without further intervention.

They don’t go away after a lawn treatment

If you maintain your yard properly, you shouldn’t have a problem with the grubs that attract moles. Getting your lawn treated may solve your mole problem without harming the moles. Maintaining your grass, shrubs and trees, as well as fertilizing and treating your grass, often act as a deterrent for all pests. Keep this in mind once you get rid of the moles. 

You found the infestation too late

Moles burrow underground, so they can be hard to spot if you’re not paying close attention to the state of your lawn. If you actually see the moles, molehills throughout your yard, surface tunnels or significant damage to lawn and plants, it’s time to call the professionals. These are all signs of a more serious mole problem.

Left to their own devices, moles can leave a path of destruction on the search for food. If you’re dealing with a mole infestation, Pro-Staff can help. Call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online to learn more about our Des Moines mole removal services. 

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