What You Should Know About Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees are one of many wood-destroying organisms that can invade your home. Unlike some others, however, carpenter bees are typically a sign that there’s already damage to the wood. They typically prefer wood that’s rotting or has gaps in it from being exposed to the elements. Here’s what you should know about these pests: 

How to Identify Carpenter Bees

You may not want to get too close to a carpenter bee. However, if you do get close enough, you’ll notice that they have a distinctive yellow or white fuzzy patch on their backs. They also have shiny abdomens. 

Habits of Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees are solitary bees, meaning they do not live in colonies like honeybees. The males lack stingers, but they may hover around people or animals to defend their nests. Female carpenter bees bore round, perfectly groomed holes into wood in order to create their nests. While they nest in homes, they do leave to eat pollen and assist in pollination. The reason they find their way indoors is to nest and lay eggs while protected from the elements. 

Why They’re in Your House

Carpenter bees make their way into homes in order to nest. They find their way inside through old, rotten wood or gaps in wood that they’re able to chip off to enter. Untreated, painted or stained wood that has been left exposed to the elements can look inviting to these pests. They’re also attracted to poorly constructed eaves, decks and wood framing and unsealed openings in woodwork around windows and doors. 

Getting Rid of Carpenter Bees

When you find carpenter bees in your home, the first thing you’ll want to do is get them out. You could try to DIY getting rid of carpenter bees. However, that may not be the safest option, especially if you have a bee allergy. Call a professional pest control company to handle the infestation and help you keep the carpenter bees away for good. 

Letting carpenter bees be can be risky. These bees can cause extensive damage to wooden structures, causing mold and rot buildup or even destroying its structural integrity. If you have carpenter bees in your home, the Urbandale pest control experts at Pro-Staff can help. Call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online

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