Understanding the Science Behind How Bed Bugs Survive

Bed bugs at all stages in their life cycle are resilient little creatures. When you have an infestation, it can feel like they’re everywhere and thriving in your home. They do have some characteristics that make them uniquely able to survive through conditions that might be perilous for other insects. Here is some insight on why bed bugs seem like they live through anything. 

Insecticide Resistance

Bed bugs have developed a resistance to many commonly used insecticides over time, In fact, bed bugs were almost eliminated as a species and experienced a resurgence. This resistance is believed to be due to their ability to adapt to their environment. It’s also due to stronger pesticides containing DDT being banned in the 1970s due to concerns for human health. 

Experts at Hiding

Bed bugs hide in extremely small cracks and crevices, making it difficult to completely eliminate them. They infest mattresses, furniture, baseboards and more, which makes it challenging to access and treat all the hiding spots. Fortunately, professional pest control technicians know exactly where to look. 

Reproduce Rapidly

Bed bug colonies grow at a rapid pace, with females laying an average of 1-5 eggs per day. This allows them to quickly establish and spread their infestation. When they find their way into your home, they can take over quickly and often go unnoticed due to their hiding skills. 

Resilient Eggs

Bed bug eggs can survive at a variety of temperatures, despite previous thoughts that they would die once temperatures hit freezing. They can also remain dormant for up to a year without feeding. This allows them to survive unfavorable conditions and continue the infestation cycle once conditions are more suitable.

Survive Without Feeding

Bed bugs can survive for several months without feeding on a blood meal. This means that even if a host is temporarily absent, the bed bugs can still survive and wait for their next opportunity to feed. This resilience allows them to persist even when their food source is limited.

Bed bugs may seem like they can survive anything, and they are fairly resilient, especially in a comfortable environment like an air conditioned home. If you’re dealing with bed bugs, the Des Moines bed bug control experts at Pro-Staff can help. Call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online

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