Flies can sometimes play a starring role in horror movies, and they’re certainly not the most well-liked insects outside of the cinema, either. They can be unsettling to hear and see, but in reality, they’re misunderstood. Many of the things we think about flies are simply false. Here are some of the most common myths and misconceptions about these creatures:
Myth 1: All flies are dirty and carry diseases.
Believe it or not, a small percentage of flies pose any risk to your health. It’s common to believe that these creatures that can often be found dwelling around trash cans must carry diseases. There are thousands of species of flies, and most of them are relatively harmless despite having habits we humans see as odd. Most species also will not bite humans.
Myth 2: Flies live for 24 hours.
It’s true that some species of flies, most notably mayflies, only live for 24 hours. However, the types of flies you’re more likely to encounter in your home live much longer. House flies, for example, can live for a couple weeks to a month.
Myth 3: Flies are only attracted to filth and waste.
While some flies are specifically attracted to decay, others enjoy eating sugars and nectar. Despite their reputation, flies are also important pollinators, especially in early spring when they’re more active than bees.
Myth 4: Flies are useless and serve no purpose in nature.
Every creature in nature serves a purpose — including flies. Aside from being great pollinators, flies contribute to the ecosystem in many ways. Some species act as food sources for important insects and animals, while others act as predators for the insects that eat and destroy plants. Many flies also play a role in decomposition, which may look alarming to us humans but is a huge help to the environment.
Myth 5: All flies bite humans.
Some flies bite humans, and some even draw blood. However, most flies are perfectly harmless if they land on you. Even if they sit on you for a minute or two, they won’t bite and are highly unlikely to spread disease.
Flies are notorious for having strange habits, but those habits often benefit us more than we realize. This has led to many myths and misconceptions over the years, and the Des Moines pest control experts at Pro-Staff are happy to help dispel them. We also know that, despite their benefits to the environment, flies can be annoying to have in your home. If you’re having trouble with flies, call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online.