5 Signs it’s Time to Call a Pest Control Company

Pests can cause all kinds of problems in your home, from property damage to disease in people and pets. While seeing a few ants or cockroaches here and there may not bother you, it’s often a sign of a larger infestation. Getting the problem taken care of at the first signs of an infestation can prevent it from growing exponentially over time. Here are some of the top signs that it’s time to call a professional pest control company. 

Visible Pest Infestation

With some pests, it’s more common to see signs of their presence than to find the insects themselves. You may find termite frass or wings but never see an actual termite. Other pests often leave feces, grease spots and other signs that they’ve been around. If you see these signs, it means that pests have moved outside of their hiding spots to areas around your house. It’s very likely that you have an infestation, and it’s time to call the local pest control company. 

Frequent Pest Sightings

A single fly may end up flying into your home without causing a full-on infestation. Likewise, you may see a single cockroach, but if you never see one or signs of one again, there’s a chance it crawled in from the outside and went right back. However, if you start seeing pests around your home on a regular basis, that means they’ve become bold enough to stop hiding and be around humans. Once they’re at this point, there’s a possibility that they feel quite at home in your home. They’re likely reproducing, and if you don’t call a pest control company, you may start seeing a lot more of these pests very soon. 

Property Damage

Some pests, like rodents, termites, or carpenter ants, cause serious damage when left to roam. If you find signs of pest damage, like holes in food packaging or in the foundation of your home, call a pest control company immediately. You have bold pests that have made your home their home, and they will continue to cause property damage until they no longer see your home as a place to live and eat. 

Unusual Noises and Odors

While most pests don’t parade in front of you, some have telltale signs from afar. If you start hearing odd noises from your walls, attic or basement that weren’t present before, you may have pests. You may also begin to notice unpleasant odors. Rodents can be especially easy to detect through smell. If you notice these signs for more than a day or two, call a professional pest control company for an inspection. 

Health and Hygiene Issues

In the long term, a pest infestation can often cause humans to become ill. This can present in the form of diseases that pests spread through feces and urine. It can also come up in the form of allergies in some people. If these issues are happening in your house, and you’re not aware of another cause, a pest inspection may be in order.  

When pests start becoming a pain, it’s time to reach out to a Des Moines pest control company like Pro-Staff. Call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online

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