How to Figure Out if You Have Bats

When you start hearing noises in your attic, there are plenty of creatures that could be the culprit. Animals like mice, squirrels and even raccoons can be found skittering in the area above your home. So, how do you figure out if it’s bats? Here are a few things to look for when trying to identify a bat infestation.  

Observing Your Surroundings

One telltale sign of bats in your home may be bats around your home. If you live near a common bat roosting area, such as a wooded area or a cave, you’re more likely to have bats than someone who lives in the city. Buildings with crevices can also attract bats, so if you’re in or around such a building, you may be looking at — or listening to  — a bat infestation. Bats are also attracted to stable food sources, such as insects or fruits.

Visual Indications

Bat droppings, also known as guano, are typically one of the most common indications of bats in or around a home. These almost black droppings are around the size of a seed, half an inch long and a little less than half an inch thick. Bats can also leave urine stains on walls or ceilings, and they can sometimes be found flying around in the twilight hours. 

Auditory Cues

While any unseen creature making sounds above you can be unsettling, if you listen closely, it’s usually easy to tell what kind of animal is making the sound. Bats, for example, make distinctive high-pitched vocalizations and chirping sounds. When you start to hear the noise, mute any audio you have playing, and stay quiet to try to hear the sounds clearly. 

Conducting an Inspection

Carefully go around your home’s exterior, focusing on areas bats like to roost, such as eaves, shutters and attics. Binoculars or cameras with zoom can help you keep your distance while verifying whether you have bats. 

Next, start checking interior areas like your attic or garage, making sure to keep your distance. You’re more likely to find guano, urine stains or entry points than you are to find an actual bat. If you’re still unsure at this stage whether you have bats, it’s time to have a professional inspection. 

Seeking Professional Assistance

Bats and humans can be harmful to one another if they interact without proper protection. Professional wildlife handlers will know how to avoid causing harm to the bats or themselves, both in the inspection process and removal methods. Bats can only legally be removed during certain times of year, so that also needs to be considered when finding a professional to remove bats from your home. 

If you believe you have bats, the Des Moines bat removal experts at Pro-Staff can help. Call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online for a free inspection. 

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