5 Tips to Keep Mice Out of Your Home This Winter

Des Moines mice controlWinter is here, and mice will be looking for somewhere warm to escape the cold. Your closed in, temperature-controlled home could be the perfect place for them to rest and to build their nests. Or, if you take the right steps, you can make your home less of a mouse haven, keeping it protected from the damage they can do and your family safe from the diseases mice can spread. Read on to learn about ways you can work to keep the mice away.

Seal Entry Points

The most common entry points for mice are holes in the exterior of your home. Patching these up during the winter can not only help you avoid mice but also help you with temperature control. Using materials like caulk, steel wool or expanding foam, you can seal up these holes, keeping mice out and keeping the warm air from your heating system inside where it belongs. 

Eliminate Food Sources

Mice’s favorite foods are the fatty, high protein and sugary kinds, which is part of why the running stereotype is that they love cheese. The best way to avoid mice is to keep foods like this properly stored and sealed. This may mean moving food from boxes and bags into airtight plastic or glass containers. These steps will help your food stay good longer and keep winter pests at bay. 

Keep Your Home Clean and Clutter-Free

While mice love living in human homes, they generally prefer not to be seen by humans. They often find cluttered homes more appealing because there are more spots where they can hide and more opportunities to find nesting materials. Keeping your home free of clutter and regularly sweeping and vacuuming makes your home less appealing to mice and other winter pests. 

Use Natural Deterrents

Generally, using repellents should be considered after getting rid of things like clutter and food sources that attract mice. If you still have mice after taking the steps above, consider putting out substances like peppermint oil or vinegar. Mix your repellent of choice with water, and spray it in problem areas where you see signs of mice activity. This type of solution generally takes about a week to work. 

Consider Professional Pest Control

If all else fails, or if your infestation is bad enough that you’ve physically seen a mouse in your home, it’s time to call the professionals. Pest control technicians will inspect all areas of your home where there could potentially be mouse activity, remove the mice, and put in deterrents that will keep mice away from your home. They can also give you advice on how to avoid letting mice back in. 

As the weather gets colder, mice start seeking shelter. That makes it all the more important to take preventative measures against mice during the winter season. If you’re dealing with mice in your home, the Des Moines mice control experts at Pro-Staff can help. Call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online for a free inspection. 

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