How to Prevent Stink Bugs from Invading Your Home

Stink bugs often seek shelter in the winter, and people’s homes can be the perfect place. While any number of stink bugs over 40 is considered a full-blown infestation, they can sometimes invade in the hundreds or even thousands. When they do, getting rid of them can be a real pain due to the odor they emit when crushed. Here’s how you can prevent these pests from invading your home. 

Understanding Stink Bugs

Stink bugs are shield-shaped insects, typically mottled grayish-brown in color and reaching about ¾ inches long. They’re often as wide as they are long with legs that extend from their sides. While they are simply a nuisance when they enter homes, they can wreak havoc in nature, often destroying massive numbers of crops. 

When and Why Stink Bugs Invade

While stink bugs are most active in the late summer and early autumn seasons, they’ve been seen more and more in the winter as temperatures grow warmer around the world. They find their way into homes to get out of the cold. They’re naturally attracted to warmth and light sources, which can be found in abundance in many homes in the winter. 

Keeping Stink Bugs at Bay

One way to deter many types of pests is by sealing up entry points, like cracks and gaps in your home’s exterior. Repairing damaged windows and door frames will remove another main entry point for pests. Installing screens on windows and doors can also help you prevent stink bugs, as well as many other types of pests. 

On the interior of your home, you can create a stink bug-free environment by installing door sweeps and weatherstripping, as well as installing light traps or using yellow light bulbs. These small adjustments can make a big difference in terms of pest control. 

Non-Chemical Control Methods

The most tried-and-true method for removing stink bugs is using the vacuum cleaner. Carefully vacuum up the bugs, and remove the bag from the vacuum cleaner, sealing and disposing of it immediately. You can also use sticky traps or jars with soapy water to trap stink bugs, then dispose of those traps once the insects find their way to them. Both of these methods are effective in most cases.

When to Seek Professional Assistance

If the non-chemical methods have proven unsuccessful, or if you have an obscene number of stink bugs in your home, call the pest control professionals. They’ll know exactly what to do to remove stink bugs from your home without spreading the odor around. The technicians will also give you advice for keeping the insects out after removing them.

Prevention is always your best bet for avoiding infestations. However, the pest control experts at Pro-Staff in Des Moines are here to help if you have a stink bug infestation that gets out of hand. Call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online for a free inspection. 

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