The Impact of Mice Infestations on Your Health

Mice can be cute in certain contexts, but finding them in your home is bad news. Many homeowners find mice in their homes in the colder months, and some may feel for these creatures. Despite appearing harmless, their presence can have implications for the physical and mental health of those in your home. Here are some of the ways a mice infestation can impact your health. 

Physical Health Risks

Mice can carry several diseases, including Hantavirus, salmonella, and leptospirosis. For those with allergies and conditions like asthma, mouse droppings, urine and dander can cause serious respiratory issues. They also contaminate stored food and water when they try to get their share of the food and water you have stored. If you find signs that a mouse got into your food, throw it away to avoid the risk of gastrointestinal issues caused by contamination.

Psychological Effects

Having mice in your house is more than a common headache. Having mice around and knowing you may encounter one can cause anxiety and stress for anyone in the house. Mice also make scurrying and scratching noises during the night, when they’re most active. This can disrupt the sleep of anyone in the home, leading to fatigue and sleep deprivation. 

When to Seek Professional Help

Mice infestations often require a professional touch. That’s because, when you have a mouse in your house, it’s never just one. Chances are, many mice are scurrying around, and they’re nesting, which means you may have even more mice sooner rather than later. A team of pest control professionals can remove mice from your home and install measures to prevent a future infestation. They can also help with cleanup of hazardous materials like their feces and the grease they leave behind. 

A mice infestation poses significant health risks. From disease transmission to psychological effects, it is essential to address the problem promptly and take preventive measures to protect your health. If you find mice in your home, the West Des Moines mice removal experts at Pro-Staff can help. Call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online for a free inspection. 

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