The Asian Lady Beetle Invasion: Understanding the Basics

Asian lady beetles may seem like harmless creatures, especially since they look just like the popular ladybug, which can more accurately be called a lady beetle. However, these insects cause significant harm to the environment through their eating habits. They also cause a major nuisance when they infest homes. If you find Asian lady beetles in your home, you need to get the infestation taken care of as soon as you can. Here are the basics about this invasive beetle species. 

What are Asian Lady Beetles?

Asian lady beetles are a larger, more aggressive type of lady beetle than the native species. They can be yellow or red in color, with or without spots. The best way to tell if you’re looking at an Asian lady beetle is a distinctive W or M shape on the thorax. 

Why are Asian Lady Beetles Considered Invasive?

While native lady beetles subsist primarily on aphids, Asian lady beetles are also known to eat native lady beetles, butterflies, moths, nectar and pollen. They also eat small fruits sometimes. By doing this, they eliminate potential pollinators and decrease an area’s overall biodiversity. 

When they invade homes, which they often do over the winter, they secrete a bad-smelling liquid that can stain furniture and walls, as well as causing allergic reactions. 

Factors Contributing to the Invasion

Asian lady beetles have been able to spread and stick around for a variety of reasons. For one, they lack natural predators. They have the ability to occupy different habitats, so they’re less susceptible to habitat loss than other insects. Increased international trade is thought to be how they got to the United States in the first place and why they have so much staying power. 

Management and Control Strategies

The best way to keep Asian lady beetles away is to fill in any gaps where they might otherwise enter in windows, doorways, walls or other areas of your home. This will help you prevent pests in general, so it’s generally a good measure to take, especially if you live in an older home. To remove these bugs from your home, vacuum them up, and dispose of the bag quickly to make sure they don’t get out. 

When to Call the Pros

If you find that you have more Asian lady beetles than you can handle, or you can’t stand the smell they emit when you vacuum them up, call a professional pest control company. They’ll be able to handle the infestation and help you prevent a future one. 

When invasive insects like the Asian lady beetle become a nuisance, the Des Moines pest control technicians at Pro-Staff can help. Call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online for a free inspection. 

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