Coexisting with Bats Until They Can Be Safely Removed

Bats may be annoying to have in your home, but they’re vital to the ecosystem, and more than half of the bat species in the United States are either in severe decline or endangered. In most places, there are laws around when and how you can remove bats from your home. So, if you find bats in your home before that time, what are you supposed to do about it? Here are some tips for coexisting with bats:  

Stay calm when you see them.

Bats generally have no intention of harming humans, and most times, they’re not looking to interact at all. However, they may attack if they feel threatened. Avoid making aggressive gestures or sudden movements toward bats to keep them calm.

Isolate the area where they live.

Keep any doors, windows or other openings around the bats closed off. This won’t cause harm to the bats, and it will keep them confined to one area, reducing the chances of them interacting with your family members or pets.

Use protective gear when interacting.

There may come a time when you need to enter the area of the home where the bats are roosting. If this happens, wear thick gloves, long-sleeved clothing and a face mask to avoid direct contact with bat droppings and urine, both of which can carry diseases. 

Keep your pets away from them.

Any interaction between your unexpected guests and your furry family members can cause undue stress and harm to everyone involved. It’s best to keep your pets away from the area where the bats are and ensure that the area is sealed.

Reach out to professionals.

Do not attempt to remove bats on your own. In most areas, there are only certain times of year when it’s legal and safe to relocate bats. Let a professional bat removal specialist schedule a bat removal for the time when it’s safest to remove them. 

The Ankeny bat removal experts at Pro-Staff know that living with bats can be difficult, but bats provide a wealth of benefits to the environment. Keeping them safe is important for our ecosystem, and removing them safely is often written into the law. Think you have bats in your home? Call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online for a free inspection. 

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