Preventing Pests in Your Garden 

Spring is in full swing, and it’s a great time to celebrate gardening or to consider gardening as a new hobby. However, with gardening comes pests that can potentially destroy all of your hard work. Preventing pests can be a hassle, so we have some tips to help preserve your garden this spring season.

Put in Preventative Barriers

Placing barriers within your garden is a great way to deter pests from invading and hurting your plants. Barriers, such as row covers or netting, can prevent flying insects from getting in. Secure these barriers around the edges of your garden to also make sure that pests can’t find their way in at ground level. Mulching also creates a barrier that aids your garden. Not only can mulch suppress weed growth, but it can also make it harder for pests to gain access to your garden. Preventative barriers keep pests out and help your garden flourish. 

Confuse the Pests

One clever technique to prevent pests from finding a home in your garden is confusing them. This can be done by interplanting crops with one another, making it hard for pests to find an abundance of their specific food source. Plant vegetables and fruits together, or throw in a colorful crop to confuse pests even further. You can also deter pests by planting outside of their more populated seasons. Do your research to find out which critters are at their peak when, and plant your garden on a different schedule. This confusion can help keep pests away. 

Keep Your Plants Healthy

The most impactful way to prevent pests is to make sure your garden is healthy and well maintained. Start by making sure you have nutrient rich soil. You can ensure this by adding compost or other organic matter. Healthy soil cultivates healthy plants, which are stronger in their fight against pests. Nurture your plants by providing the right growing conditions, ample water, and food. Stress-free plants have natural defenses to fight against pests, so keeping them healthy will help keep your garden pest-free. 

Gardening should be a relaxing hobby that allows you to connect with nature. Don’t let pests keep you down. If you’re finding it hard to keep pests out of your garden or home, then feel free to reach out to an Omaha pest control expert at Pro-Staff. We are committed to providing the absolute highest quality termite, pest control, and wildlife control services in the industry. Contact us today!

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