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How to Use the Behavior of Moles to Your Advantage

Having moles in your yard can be a nuisance, but it’s not necessarily a problem if they’re not causing damage. In fact, it can be beneficial in some ways. These creatures play a crucial role in the ecosystem by aerating soil, controlling insect populations and redistributing nutrients in the earth. Depending on your goals with your lawn, this may actually work to your advantage. 

Understanding Moles

Moles are solitary animals that live underground, often several feet underground, in complex tunneling systems that they create. Their tunnels serve several purposes, primarily hunting, nesting and escaping predators. They eat insects and other invertebrates that they find in the soil. Through their keen sense of smell and touch, they detect vibrations in the soil from passing insects, making it easy for them to find their prey. 

Coexisting with Moles

If you’re a gardener, moles can help you maintain your garden by aerating the soil and eating the pests that would otherwise invade. You can encourage them to stay nearby by providing a welcoming environment with moist soil to burrow in and earthworms to eat. You can also do so by avoiding causing harm to them. 

To prevent disruption to your garden, use mole tunnels as a guide for planting decisions. In areas with a high density of mole tunnels, consider raised plant beds or going for plants with shallow roots. Certain types of plants can thrive in this type of soil, while others will be disrupted by mold activity. 

Managing Moles in Your Yard

Maybe you’re not into having moles in your yard, whether it’s because they’re preventing you from getting “yard of the month” or because your HOA has come after you for having an imperfect lawn. Whatever the case may be, you’ve decided it’s time to take care of the mole problem. 

You can start by filling in their tunnels. You can also build fences that stick deep into the ground to prevent new tunnels from being built. Try spraying or spreading castor oil, or use vibrating devices to scare moles away. If none of these methods work, or if you’re in a hurry, call your local mole removal company. 

The Omaha mole removal experts at Pro-Staff can help if moles are causing problems in your yard. Call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online for a free inspection. 

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