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5 Common Mosquito Myths, Debunked

Mosquitoes, with their vampiric habits, have built a reputation for being one of the worst possible pests to encounter. Most of the rumors about mosquitoes are true: they do suck blood, and you probably don’t want to encounter them at your family barbecue this summer. However, like any legend, mosquitoes are also victims of myths and misconceptions. Here are some of the most common ones: 

Myth #1: All mosquitoes bite humans.

Only female mosquitoes bite humans for blood, and not all of the 3,500 species of mosquitoes prefer to bite humans at all. While some species of mosquitoes aggressively pursue humans, most are happy to leave them alone, preferring birds or other animals as prey. 

Myth #2: Mosquitoes are attracted to certain blood types.

It would be nice if mosquitoes were only attracted to certain blood types. Then, some of us would have more of a chance than others. However, this is simply a lie. Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide and body heat, not blood type.

Myth #3: Citronella candles are an effective mosquito repellent.

How many times have you lit citronella candles, only to continue to see mosquitoes? Citronella candles provide a reprieve from mosquitoes, but this is only temporary. Spraying a compound containing DEET or picaridin on your skin is the most effective way to prevent mosquitoes. 

Myth #4: Mosquitoes only bite at dusk and dawn.

While some mosquitoes may be more compelled to bite at dusk and dawn, different species of mosquitoes have different biting habits. Therefore, if you’re looking to prevent mosquito bites, you should be cautious no matter what time of day you go out. If you’re planning to spend a day in nature, pack the mosquito repellent. 

Myth #5: Mosquitoes can spread diseases like HIV and hepatitis.

Make no mistake: mosquitoes can transmit diseases like malaria, Zika virus and West Nile Virus, which are no laughing matter. However, diseases that are mostly bloodborne for humans, such as HIV and hepatitis, cannot be spread from person to person by mosquitoes.

Having mosquitoes in your yard can really ruin your day, especially if you plan on having people over in your outdoor areas. If you’re dealing with a mosquito problem, the Omaha pest control experts at Pro-Staff can help. Call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online for a free inspection. 

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