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How to Stay Away from Bed Bugs During Summer Travel

When you travel, you run the risk of encountering bed bugs. It doesn’t matter if you’re staying in a roadside motel or a luxury 5-star resort. In fact, Paris, France, the most traveled-to city in the world, has become overrun with these creatures. So, what’s a traveler to do? Here are some ways to prevent bringing bed bugs back when you travel this summer. 

Inspect Your Accommodations

Preventing bed bugs during the summer starts with where you’re staying. Since hotels and Airbnbs have a constant stream of people checking in and out, there’s a high chance of bed bugs finding their way into rooms. Check the mattress seams, headboard, and other nearby furniture for signs of bed bugs. Look for dark spots or actual insects, and bloodstains on bedding. Keep your luggage off the floor, and use luggage racks or plastic bags for storage.

Be Cautious When Using Public Transportation

Public transportation is another place where people can unwittingly pick up bed bugs. Avoid setting luggage on upholstered surfaces, as bed bugs can hide in them. Check seats for signs of bed bugs before sitting down to make sure you don’t get them on your clothes. Consider packing a small flashlight to help with inspections, especially if you’re traveling at night. 

Be Mindful of Shared Spaces

Avoid placing personal items in communal storage areas, as these can be especially susceptible to infestations. Keep bags and personal items off the floor in public spaces. The volume of bags that have been on a public floor makes it more likely that bed bugs could be hiding there. Use caution when sitting or lying down on shared furniture, as it can be a hot spot for bed bugs. 

What to Do If You Encounter Bed Bugs

If you find bed bugs in your summer travel accommodations, notify the front desk or property manager immediately. Request a different room or accommodation to lessen your risk of bringing bed bugs home with you. If there’s a severe infestation, consider finding a completely different place to stay. 

Sometimes, you don’t find bed bugs until after you’ve stayed a night. If this happens, wash all clothing in hot water and dry on high heat for at least 30 minutes. Consider using a laundry service if washing facilities are not available onsite. Store cleaned items in sealed plastic bags to prevent reinfestation. The last thing you want to do is bring bed bugs home. 

There are times that, despite our best efforts, we bring pests like bed bugs home with us from our travels. If you bring bed bugs home, the Des Moines bed bug control team at Pro-Staff can help. Call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online for a free inspection. 

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