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Understanding Why the World Needs Termites

When you hear about termites, especially from a pest control company, phrases like “billions of dollars in damage per year” come to mind. However, their notorious habits are actually beneficial in nature. The world needs termites, despite the damage they cause when they find their way into people’s homes. Read on to learn about why. 

Termites as Decomposers

In nature, termites play a vital role in decomposition. The habits that cause the most destruction for humans are a continuation of this role. When they eat decaying wood in nature day in and day out, they’re breaking down dead plant material to help new plants grow. This puts essential nutrients into the soil, which leads to new plant growth. Without termites assisting with decomposition, these plants would die out. 

Termites as a Food Source

Animals like aardvarks, bats, mongooses and many species of birds eat termites. Since all of these animals play a role in the ecosystem, the value of termites as a food source cannot be overstated. It’s not just wild animals that eat termites — humans eat them, too. In fact, about 50 species of termites are edible to humans. In parts of Africa, they’re considered a delicacy, but people around the world eat them as a source of protein. 

Termites and Architecture

While termites aren’t the ones creating buildings, much of today’s sustainable architecture is inspired by termite mounds. Termite mounds promote natural air circulation, and buildings that mimic their design end up needing to rely less on air conditioning systems. The strength of termite mounds is often mimicked in building architecture so that buildings can better withstand natural disasters. In recent years, architects have also looked to natural materials to increase the sustainability of whatever they’re building.  

Finding termites in your home can be devastating, but in their numerous natural habitats, they play a crucial role in the ecosystem. As long as we can keep them out of our homes, termites can continue to help with important tasks like plant decomposition. If you find these insects in your home, the termite control experts Omaha Pro-Staff can help. Call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online for a free inspection. 

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