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Why You Can’t Ignore an Ant Infestation

Ants are small insects that can cause big problems. You may be tempted to ignore an ant infestation, especially if it doesn’t seem that major. However, ant infestations can quickly grow exponentially, and these insects often leave destruction in their wake. The last thing you want to do is ignore an ant infestation. Here’s why: 

Health Risks

Often when you find ants in your home, they’re in and around the pantry. They love to find their way into your favorite snacks. Unfortunately, once they do, you can consider that food spoiled. Ants walk anywhere and aren’t picky about what they eat, so they often pick up bacteria and pathogens. If you have a major infestation in your home, having ants around can exacerbate respiratory problems. Some ants can also cause allergic reactions, though the types of ants that bite and sting are more likely to be found outside of your home. 

Property Damage

Some ants find their way into food, but others have more damaging habits, like digging into wood, damaging electrical systems and appliances and getting into house plants. Although they are small, ants can cause significant damage when left to their own devices. 

Impact on Quality of Life

Coexisting with ants can be a nuisance. They seem to go from one small location to suddenly being everywhere more quickly than you would think. This can be even worse if you have people over. You may feel embarrassed that your home is being taken over by ants. Trying to deal with them on your own can be stressful and time consuming. DIY methods rarely work because they rarely get to the root of the problem. 

Spread of Infestation

Ant infestations start small and expand quickly, so it’s important to get an ant problem taken care of as soon as you know you have one. Ants enter homes for a number of reasons, so they can pop up in all kinds of areas. Once the colony is established in your home, getting rid of it becomes extremely difficult. 

As soon as you find ants in your home, call a professional pest control company. They’ll find the root of the infestation, determine the size of the problem and treat it accordingly. Then, they’ll help with the cleanup. If you’re in the Des Moines area and need pest control, call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online for a free inspection. 

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