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When Kids Come Home from School with Bed Bugs

Kids can pick up all sorts of things from school, and unfortunately, there’s a chance that they’ll bring bed bugs home. Bed bugs are skilled travelers, and they’ll gladly hop from one backpack to another, or if they’re on a child, they’ll hop off the child’s clothes. With children and their bags in close quarters, bed bug infestations can spread quickly among classmates. Here’s what to do if this happens to your child:

Communicate with the school and other parents.

First, call the school. They need to be alerted that there’s a bed bug problem so they can take steps to ensure that it doesn’t continue to spread. Then, call other parents. Even if you believe you know where the problem originated, approach the situation with grace. Let the other parents know the facts: your child came home with bed bugs, and it appears they came from the school. 

Inspect and treat your child’s belongings.

Here comes the hard part: making sure your child’s belongings don’t continue the spread of the infestation. This means thoroughly cleaning backpacks, soft-walled lunch boxes, clothes and any other cloth items your child brings to and from school. You’ll also need to clean their bedding, checking their bed and surrounding furniture for signs of bed bugs like discarded shells and blood stains. 

Launder all clothing and bedding.

Even if you found bed bugs for the first time today, that doesn’t mean they haven’t already infested your entire home. Wash any clothes that your family members have worn recently, as well as bedding, including blankets and pillowcases from the couch. Inspect all the furniture in your home for signs of bed bugs, and if you find them, wash anything cloth in their proximity. 

Contact a professional exterminator.

Eliminating bed bugs requires a professional touch. Even the most skilled DIY-ers should not attempt to get rid of a bed bug infestation on their own. There are too many factors, like the life cycle of bed bugs and a built up resistance to pest control chemicals, that make this nearly impossible.

Did your child bring home bed bugs from school? The Des Moines bed bug control experts at Pro-Staff can help. Call us at 515-279-7378 or contact us online for a free inspection. 

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