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How to Prevent Insects as Holiday Guests

Is there anything worse than discovering an insect infestation during the holidays? Nothing will spoil the season quicker than that. For many of us, having family come in from out of town to stay for the holidays can be stressful enough. Fortunately, there are lots of ways to prevent insects from becoming additional house guests this holiday season. Here are a few tips:

Be Careful with Your Decorations

It’s important to unpack holiday decorations with care, not only to reduce the risk of breaking or damaging your beloved items, but also to prevent insects from entering your home. Insects are attracted to the glue and tape used to secure cardboard boxes. They are also often found nestled in wreaths, garland and Christmas trees. It’s best to inspect holiday storage containers for damage or other signs of insects before you bring them inside to unpack. 

Inspect Firewood

Insects love to cozy up next to firewood just as much as we do. They are often found hiding in stacked firewood, as it’s the perfect place for them to keep warm during the winter. Try storing your firewood on an elevated shelf away from the home, like in an outdoor shed, and knock any insects off before bringing your firewood inside to prevent them from entering your home.

Be Mindful of Holiday Meals and Baked Goods

This one may seem obvious, but insects love leftover food. Just like us, they’re attracted to delicious, home-cooked holiday meals and baked goods. Always make sure to store leftovers in airtight containers and properly secure trash. Avoid leaving crumbs or food residue on the countertops, floor or in the sink. Just before you eat is a good time to turn on the holiday tunes and have the whole family pitch in and help tidy up the kitchen! 

Watch for Bed Bugs While Traveling

You may not be the only ones traveling for the holidays. Bed bugs are known for being expert travelers, and with traveling at an uptick during the holidays, bed bugs are in full swing. If you’re staying in a hotel, always inspect your room for bed bugs. Look in the seams of your mattress, inside nightstand drawers, near baseboards, and in the carpet. Be sure to check your luggage and clothing once you get home, as this is where bed bugs tend to hitch a ride. If you notice that insects have made their way into your home this holiday season, despite your best efforts, the team here at Pro-Staff is here to help. Our expert Des Moines pest control technicians have the experience and knowledge for getting rid of insects in your home. Give us a call at (515) 279-7378 or contact us online for a free inspection.

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