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7 Interesting Facts About Bed Bugs

No one wants to find bed bugs in their home. These bugs feed on people’s blood while they sleep, leaving itchy bites behind. While bed bugs aren’t good house guests, they’re more interesting than you might think. Check out these bed bug facts from the Des Moines bed bug removal experts at Pro-Staff.

  1. Bed Bugs Can Be Found Anywhere

Hotels and apartment buildings aren’t the only places where you can find bed bugs. These pests can be found anywhere. They’ve been found in nursing homes, daycare centers, hospitals, college dorms, and on public transportation. Bed bugs have even been found in more unusual locations, like inside caskets and prosthetic legs!

  1. Bed Bugs Are a Common Pest

These creepy pests are very common. According to a 2011 survey conducted by the National Pest Management Association, one in five Americans has either had a bed bug infestation or knows someone who’s encountered these blood-sucking bugs.

  1. Bed Bugs Have Developed Insecticide Resistance

Over time, bed bugs have developed resistance to many common types of insecticides like deltamethrin, bifenthrin, and chlorfenapyr. Pest control professionals combine chemical and non-chemical methods to successfully defeat these stubborn pests.

  1. Bed Bugs Can Cause Allergic Reactions

Some people are allergic to bed bugs, and they can have reactions to the bites. If you’re allergic to bed bugs, you could notice enlarged bite marks on your skin or painful swellings around the bites. In rare cases, people can even have an anaphylactic reaction to bed bug bites.

  1. Bed Bugs Don’t Spread Diseases

Unlike other blood-sucking pests, like mosquitoes, bed bugs aren’t known to spread any diseases. They’re not known to be dangerous, except in cases where people are allergic to their bites.

  1. Bed Bugs Have Anesthetic Saliva

If a bed bug bites you while you’re sleeping, you probably won’t feel it. That’s because these pests have an anesthetic compound in their saliva. This compound also increases blood flow to the bite site, so the bite is quick and painless.

  1. Bed Bugs Are Tough

These small bugs are much tougher than they look. They can survive in a wide range of temperatures, from almost freezing all the way to 122 degrees Fahrenheit. If they miss a meal, it’s no big deal — they can live for several months without eating. This toughness is part of why it’s so hard to get rid of them.

Bed bugs are fascinating creatures, but you don’t want to share your home with them. If you’re worried about bed bugs, contact Pro-Staff, the Des Moines bed bug removal company.

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