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Common Pests to Keep an Eye on in Cooler Months

rat eating stick outside

Winter is here, which is good news and bad news in the pest control world. Many of the world’s bugs fade off into the winter, but not all of them. While bugs become less of an issue, rodents start to find their way inside. Our team of pest control experts has seen everything, and these are the pests we see more often in the winter months:


Just like humans, rats seek warmth in the winter. These rodents spend their time in crawl spaces like closets, boxes and kitchen cabinets. Rats are notorious for carrying disease. There are all kinds of DIY solutions for killing rodents, but they can often be risky, especially if you have pets. If you start hearing rats scurrying around or seeing other signs like scratches and droppings, it’s time to call the professionals. 


Bats, like rats, just want a warm, safe place to rest on cold days. This place might just be your attic or basement. Also like rats, bats carry diseases, most notably rabies. If left unchecked, their urine and feces can also cause damage to your home. Chances are, you will hear bats before you see them, and when you do, you should start taking steps to get them removed. 

Bed Bugs

Humans love to travel during the winter, and bed bugs enjoy coming along for the ride. Often found in hotels and traveling through luggage, these pests are easy to find and difficult to remove. Bed bugs leave dark brown spots on mattresses, walls and more. They also molt, so they leave behind skins, eggs and blood spots. These critters molt and reproduce quickly, so if you see any signs of bed bugs, you most likely have an infestation.


The good news is most bugs don’t thrive in winter. German roaches, however, are especially resilient. They give off an odor, and they are rather large, as far as bugs are concerned, so they are easy enough to find. Like these other pests, roaches tend to be big carriers of disease. They also tend to love human food, so you will find them in your kitchen and in damp, dark areas where they like to live. 

Cluster Flies

Most flies die off in the winter. Cluster flies, however, survive in even the harshest conditions. These flies are silver and black in color with overlapping wings. You will see these flies around windows and in attics. Unlike the flies you often see buzzing around, these ones like to stick together and move slowly through the air. 

As the seasons change and new pests start appearing, our pest control experts are here to help. If you are having issues with rats, bats or other pests, give Pro-Staff a call at 515-279-7378 or contact us online.

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