Eradicating Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are invasive. What starts as a few bites can quickly turn into an infestation that spreads throughout your entire home. Pro-Staff, experts in Des Moines bed bug removal, can help you identify the signs that bed bugs have invaded your home.  

Picture of a white bed with pillows

Looking for Bed Bugs

The major indicator of bed bugs is often their bites. If you’re waking up with itchy welts on your skin, particularly on your legs or back, it may be time to investigate whether or not you have bed bugs. In addition to bites, look for these signs:

  • Bedbugs: You may be able to spot the bed bugs themselves. Bed bugs are typically flat, oval in shape, and reddish-brown in color. If they have recently fed, they may be round rather than flat.
  • Bedbug eggs: Bed eggs can be found in dark crevices or cracks. Think in between couch cushions or along the side of your bed. Bed bug eggs are smaller than a grain of rice and white in color.
  • Dried blood: Specks of fresh or dried blood can indicate that bed bugs may have recently been active or feeding.
  • Excrement: Bed bug waste will appear as either thin black streaks or tiny black spots. 
  • Exoskeleton: As bed bugs mature, they shed their skin or exoskeleton. This typically happens up to five times in a bed bug’s lifespan. Other than being translucent, a bed bug’s exoskeleton looks identical to a bed bug.
White bed with an ottoman   in front


If you have spotted even one sign of bed bug activity, it’s best to act quickly. Before you start cleaning, call a professional. Bed bug infestations are often extensive, meaning commercial-grade insecticides are necessary to eradicate them. DIY approaches are often unsuccessful. Once you’ve contacted a professional, there are a few steps you can take to help eliminate bed bug activity.

  • Wash everything: This includes couch covers, bed linens, pillows, and soft toys. Wash all items in hot water and dry on high heat.
  • Vacuum: Vacuuming each cushion individually can help get rid of bed bugs. Be sure to deposit bed bugs outside of your home.

In the case of bed bugs, it’s crucial to call for Des Moines bed bug removal as quickly as possible. With over 20 years of experience, Pro-Staff can help you keep bed bugs out of your home. To learn more about our services, just give us a call at (515) 279-7378.

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